Upcoming Workshops and Classes:
Kambo Ceremony (Amazonian Frog Medicine) Feb 23, March 16
Kambo is a powerful medicine from the Amazon - the skin secretion of the Giant Monkey Tree Frog phyllomedusa bicolor. Treatments involve a deep physical and energetic cleansing of the body that can be used to treat a number of conditions ranging from depression, physical illness, CFS, auto-immune, migraines, laziness, chronic pain, infections or toxins, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, cancer, diabetes, HIV and other issues. It is especially helpful for getting through big blockages, resistance or creating big breakthroughs. This is an especially good time of the year to work with kambo as it helps strengthen the immune system before flu and cold season and can also help greatly with seasonal depression (SAD).
The event page is here: https://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/events/303058926/
For more info on kambo check here.
Plant Medicine Discussion Group Feb 9 3pm (Maple Valley), March 7 3pm (Victrola 15th Ave)
We will be doing the next meetups in Seattle and then Tacoma to try and connect with more people. More info in the meetup event page: https://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/events/305094998/
This meet-up is a open discussion group where anyone can share experiences or ask questions about plant medicine and plant focused spirituality. This includes Ayahuasca, San Pedro, mushrooms, Salvia, shamanism and healing, dieta, herbal alchemy - and really anything else you can imagine! And it's free!
A link to the official meet-up group is here: http://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/
Rappé Ceremony and Workshop (Amazonian Shamanic Snuff) March 23 3pm
Rapé is a traditional shamanic plant medicine used in the Amazon for many different purposes. The medicine is a fine powder that is made with mapacho (jungle tobacco) and tree ash. This snuff is made in a sacred manner with prayers and intention and medicine songs - after it is prepared users will blow the powdered snuff into each others noses using blow pipes.
This medicine is not psychoactive, but does alter your consciousness for a short amount of time. You will feel more aware, more peaceful and more open-minded. There will be opportunities to experience a couple rounds of rapé and try different recipes and we will also sing some traditional medicine songs to support the medicine.
The event page is here: https://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/events/306010625/
Icaros Workshop - Healing Songs of the Spirits Nov 17 2pm Maple Valley
Icaros are songs that shamans learn from the spirits. They are used to heal the sick and to help empower and direct plant medicine ceremonies. The event page is here: https://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/events/303764640/
Andean Medicine Wheel and Mesa Altar - (next workshop date will be posted soon!)
In the Andes indigenous healers will honor the medicine wheel when healing the sick or making offerings to the Earth. One of the ways healing is perfomed by preists and shamans is through the use of a healing altar called a mesa. We will be studying a special kind of mesa used by the Q'ero tribe of Peru.
The Q'ero are a small tribe that used to be part of the Inca empire. When the Spanish arrived this tribe hid high in the mountains and remained untouched by the modern world. They kept their lifestyle, culture and spiritual practices pure and unchanged - the only Andean people who were able to do this. In the 1950's they came out of hiding to share their prophesies with the rest of the world and since that time they have become known as the only people to still practice the ways of the Inca, and regarded as the most gifted healers of the Andes.
The workshop will cover how to build and develop your own mesa, how to use your mesa for insight and healing, and how to work with the Andean medicine wheel. The goal is that at the end of this workshop participants will have enough info to start building and learning to work with the mesa on their own at home if they wish.
Event page here: https://www.meetup.com/seattlemindtravelers/events/243016919/
Stream Of Miracles Retreat @ Cusco, Peru - (May 12-19 2025)
New Stream of Miracles retreat with Ayahuasca, Wachuma, Rapé and Q'ero ceremonies!
A 8 day retreat in Cusco including 2 Wachuma, 2 Ayahuasca, and 2+ Rapé ceremonies. The Q'ero will also be with us to offer limpia cleansings during the San Pedro ceremonies and a dispatcho offering to Mother Earth as well. Besides the cleansings and offerings the Q'ero will also be offering a special blessing and initiation rite. This retreat includes workshops by Travis as well as a visit to Pisac, and animal sanctuary and many amazing temples around Cusco including the Temple of the Moon!
At the end of the retreat there is also an optional add on to see Machu Picchu!
To keep updated on Soul Remedy events please join our newsletter here.
If you would like to see a workshop near your home, at a special event, at your healing space, or just have a deep yearning to learn, let me know, and I will try to schedule something.
*for more class info:
email travis@soulremedy.org